Frequently asked questions

Most common questions asked by our students

  • You’ll get a confirmation of payment straightaway. Then shortly afterwards we will reply with further details regarding the first session. You will then be added to a private whatsapp group.

  • Online on a weekly basis on Microsoft teams.

  • Yes, most of the ophthalmic exit exams have a similar curriculum and format. So any ophthalmologist would definitely benefit from joining.

  • We will limit the maximum number of candidates to maximise participation and learning.

  • Timings will be agreed by the majority beforehand. However, if you can’t make it, you will get access to the exam recording as a video link which you can download and watch on your own time. However, I would strongly suggest doing your best to try attending and participating as much as possible.

  • Yes, if the number of candidates in the course allows. You can still join mid-way through the course, we will send you the previous mocks you’ve missed as recordings to watch.

  • Yes, if time still allows before your exam. You will have the option to extend to attend more mock exams if you think this is needed.

  • Not a big deal, remember that the key benefit of the course actually lies in the live feedback and the discussions generated during those sessions.

  • As part of the RevEyes & Conquer course, you will be strongly advised to share your exam feedback privately if you wish and we can spend time through it addressing the pitfalls together, and agreeing on how to avoid them in the future.

  • Yes, at the end of the course we will send out certificates of attendance with the total amount of hours.

  • Before each exam we arrange an examination techniques session to go through & practice all skills needed for the exam, ranging from slit lamp illumination techniques to ophthalmoscopy & neurological examination. Date and location of the session is announced at the end of the course.

  • Why not watch a one-off recorded mock exam for 4 hours? We’ll send you a recorded video link of one of our previous exams to watch on your own time.

  • You have the option to watch pre-recorded mock exams on your own time, covering many stations and topics.

  • Due to high demand for that tricky exam, we’ve recently launched a course for the part 1 FRCOphth. Similar to the part 2 course, it is live with interactive discussions.

  • Because many overseas candidates are not able to attend face to face courses in the UK, we were asked to run a short online course for the refraction certificate exam. It is recorded on MS teams for 2 hours covering retinoscopy and subjective refraction.

    It would give you more insight into the exam structure, sources to prep from, what to expect on the day, tips on how to pass, how you’re assessed, etc.

  • Yes i’m excited to say i’ve recently offered to run a personal tutoring course for that exhuastive, yet rewarding, pathway. It consists of flexible 1:1 online sessions going through all your evidence, addressing the weak areas, coming up with a plan forwards to strengthen & complete the evidence tailored to each individual’s circumstances.